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racking solutions
Safeguard Compactors are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space. These rail-mounted compactors can be easily configured to suit any type of storage. Special wheel and rail constructions increase the life span of the compactor and facilitate easy operation. Available to suit every requirement these come as manually operated and mechanically assisted Mobile providing maximum storage capacity by compaction. Safeguard not only provides more space but also security. Each rack provided with an individual push button steering lock. When fully compacted the entire system can be locked into position with one locking system. Safeguard Compactors can be made to order to suit your storage requirements. Shifting the position of aisle can provide access to any number of racks.
Mobile file compactor
Safeguard Systems offers you the ultimate storage system with the latest easy glide technology for a noise free, effort-less and smooth operation for years together. The commercial compactor system offers security of stored material and proves to be very cost effective. This Mobile racks compactor system requires lesser space than conventional racking system/cupboards. It can save up to 60% at floor space compared to conventional static shelving or can increase the storage capacity by almost 100%. The system glides on steel tracks and consists of mobile base units onto which different shelving options can be assembled. When a particular rack is required, the appropriate aisle is opened up by mechanical or electrically driven bases. Only one aisle is required to service multiple racks.Features:•	Sturdy and precision-fabricated racks using high quality material•	Precisely engineered guide rails, gears, sprockets and chains for smooth, jerk-free movement and low noise or vibrations•	Sealed bearings with lifetime lubrication•	Sheet metal cladding, ensuring protection from dust, damage, pilferage or theft•	Position locking of racks during usage to ensure operator safety•	Complete system can be locked to prevent unauthorized access•	System requires minimal maintenance
Mobile Rack Compactor System

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