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Safeguard compactors
Safeguard compactors
Compactor or Optimizer

Compactor Storage System


Product details

Safeguard Compactor Storage System is one of the best space-saving systems in modern times. Acts as Space saver by creating additional storage space within the existing area. Made with the latest technology, File Compactor are noise-free, effortless, and provides smooth operation for decades. They are secured, lockable, and cost-effective to store your office documentation. The Roller Compactor glides on gears, rollers, and chains for smooth movement of the storage structure. Since storage units are movable, only one aisle is required to service multiple racks. The Features of Compactor Storage Systems are as follows: Space Optimization, Complete Safe and Easy Usage, Durable, Spacious, Corrosion resistant, High load bearing capacity Applicability: Offices: For storing of Computer Parts, Documents, Files and acts as a record room. Godowns and Factories: Storage of Costly Components and Material Parts which requires protection from dust, seepage, and contamination. Hospital and Labs: Maintaining Customer Records with easy identification and categorization.

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