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  • 2019-12-16T04:11:30

Mobile Compactor File Storage System: The offered Mobile Compactor File Storage System is very widely used for Optimizing the full usage of office Storage Spaces. Our supplied Mobile Rack Compactors is extensively used in areas like Factories, Public & Private Sectors, Banks, Hospital, Automobile Industries, Offices, Libraries and Archive centers and similar other places. Features: Movable racks High tensile strength Long lasting service

Mobile Compactor File Storage System: The offered Mobile Compactor File Storage System is very widely used for Optimizing the full usage of office Storage Spaces. Our supplied Mobile Rack Compactors is extensively used in areas like Factories, Public & Private Sectors, Banks, Hospital, Automobile Industries, Offices, Libraries and Archive centers and similar other places. Features: Movable racks High tensile strength Long lasting service

  • 2019-12-16T04:11:30

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