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Guardwel’s range of
Guardwel’s range of
Safes And Lockers

Guardwel Double Door Fire And Burglar Resistant Safe


Product details

Guardwel’s range of Fire and Burglary Resistant Safes, Strong Room Doors and Safe Deposit Lockers is the simplest and the most comprehensive answer to all the concerns of enhanced attack levels. Guardwel provides a worry free solution for the safety and protection of all your valuables and belongings. Our range of Safes includes Fire & Burglary Resistant Cash Safes, Depository Safes, Gold Loan Safes Body The entire body of the Safes or Safety Lockers are made from thick steel plates with the latest steel bending techniques. The Safes or Safe Lockers, Security Safes are made of multiple bends with fully welded construction it forms a solid rivetless block. The inner lining of the Fire and Burglar Resistant Safes, Safety Lockers, Security Safes are made from thicker steel plate than the outer body for enhanced security for the Safe.

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