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Double Decker Deposi
Double Decker Deposi
Safes And Lockers

Guardwel Double Decker Depository Safe


Product details

Double Decker Depository Safe At many places the need for security extends beyond normal working hours, late into the night. At such places like petrol pumps, collection centers, restaurants, railway stations, tollbooths, clubs, bus depots etc. cash transactions occur in large quantities and safety becomes a problem with thieves who rob at gun point. Depository safes are designed specifically keeping these additional security features in mind. The keys to these safes do not remain with the attendants who manage them but with the owners or the managers-in-charge. Yet the attendants can deposit all the valuables, cash, important documents etc. into them either through lockable drawers or through the chute that can be provided. Besides the safes remain locked throughout and keys are inaccessible. These safes are available in various sizes and can also be designed specifically to suit the clients needs.

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