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All our products are
All our products are
Safes And Lockers

Fire Resistant Safe


Product details

All our products are designed to latest Indian standards, being tested in-house and at BIS approved test houses, and conform to current IBA Guidelines also. All our BIS Licensed products are affixed with BIS label by default. We provide Burglar Fire Resistant Safes which is made from thick steel plates and have advanced binding techniques. We use thick steel plates for manufacturing the body of the safe in compliance with the national and international quality parameters. Multiple bends and fully welded construction add to the quality of solid rivet-less blocks that provide strength to the structure. Door of the safes are reinforced with a drill & hammer resistant hardened steel plate to assure tamper-proof lock. Moreover, it is equipped with Automatic Self-Locking Device, which get activated in case of any emergency. Options are also available with Underwriters Laboratories INC (USA) rated mechanical or electronic combination lock wherein chances of hitting right combination is one in a million.

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