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  • 2021-01-23T07:30:17

Safeguard systems has partnered with Guardwel Industries to servebanking and jewellery industry since past 1990, our core expertise is in providing the bank vault and safe deposit storage Systems . We've maintained a leading edge in vault technology for the banking and other related industryiesfor over 30 years now. We offer a full range of vaults,  vault doors, Fire resistant filling cabinets, and fire resistant safes. Our bank, safe deposit, and jeweler vault products are built to standards of BIS certification for burglary and fire resistance

Safeguard systems has partnered with Guardwel Industries to servebanking and jewellery industry since past 1990, our core expertise is in providing the bank vault and safe deposit storage Systems . We've maintained a leading edge in vault technology for the banking and other related industryiesfor over 30 years now. We offer a full range of vaults,  vault doors, Fire resistant filling cabinets, and fire resistant safes. Our bank, safe deposit, and jeweler vault products are built to standards of BIS certification for burglary and fire resistance

  • 2021-01-23T07:30:17

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