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  • 2019-06-26T06:46:21

Storage Locker Finish Powder Coating Finish Type Coated Lock Type Electronic Lock, Combination Dial Lock Material Mild Steel No. of Lockers 18 in one unit We are leading supplier of Industrial Lockers. Other details: Ground clearance (legs) of 6" height. Body made from 20 gauge solid steel. Door made from 18 gauge solid steel Steel Grey Color available

Storage Locker Finish Powder Coating Finish Type Coated Lock Type Electronic Lock, Combination Dial Lock Material Mild Steel No. of Lockers 18 in one unit We are leading supplier of Industrial Lockers. Other details: Ground clearance (legs) of 6" height. Body made from 20 gauge solid steel. Door made from 18 gauge solid steel Steel Grey Color available

  • 2019-06-26T06:46:21

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