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  • 2019-06-25T07:34:19

Slotted Angel Racks lotted angle racks are installed to assist in storage of products in stores, shops or malls. Owing to its end use of holding products for a long duration it is must for the racks to be manufactured with the property of bearing heaving weights to a limit. The Slotted angle racks are manufactured by using supreme quality raw materials and without compromising on standards. We even offer customized Slotted Angle racks catering the requirements of our clients. The customized Slotted Angle racks have size and shape as per customer’s wish.

Slotted Angel Racks lotted angle racks are installed to assist in storage of products in stores, shops or malls. Owing to its end use of holding products for a long duration it is must for the racks to be manufactured with the property of bearing heaving weights to a limit. The Slotted angle racks are manufactured by using supreme quality raw materials and without compromising on standards. We even offer customized Slotted Angle racks catering the requirements of our clients. The customized Slotted Angle racks have size and shape as per customer’s wish.

  • 2019-06-25T07:34:19

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