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  • 2020-09-18T10:07:57

Safeguard Storage Optimization are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space acting as a Space saver. It not only provides more space but also security. Our Optimizer Storage System are very long lasting due to special wheels and rail constructions. Our Optimizer Storage facilitates easy operation. The Compactor Storage can be made to order to suit your specific storage requirements. Shifting the position of aisle can provide access to any number of racks. Features: Excellent durability, Easy to fit, Dimensional accuracy, High strength Following are some of the additional features of our Optimizer Mobile Storage System Ultimate solution to all Space Problems, Custom made, 80-100 percentage Extra Storage space, Low Maintenance, Store your files and office items, Store your Raw material or Finished Goods, User Friendly, Finish: Enamel Painted Or Epoxy Powder Coated finish

Safeguard Storage Optimization are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space acting as a Space saver. It not only provides more space but also security. Our Optimizer Storage System are very long lasting due to special wheels and rail constructions. Our Optimizer Storage facilitates easy operation. The Compactor Storage can be made to order to suit your specific storage requirements. Shifting the position of aisle can provide access to any number of racks. Features: Excellent durability, Easy to fit, Dimensional accuracy, High strength Following are some of the additional features of our Optimizer Mobile Storage System Ultimate solution to all Space Problems, Custom made, 80-100 percentage Extra Storage space, Low Maintenance, Store your files and office items, Store your Raw material or Finished Goods, User Friendly, Finish: Enamel Painted Or Epoxy Powder Coated finish

  • 2020-09-18T10:07:57

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