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  • 2020-10-09T11:14:58

Safeguard Compactor Storage are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space acting as a Space saver. These rail mounted Mobile Compactor Storage Systems can be easily configured to suit any type of Storage Solutions. Special wheels and rail constructions increase the life spans of the Compactor and facilitate easy operation. Available to suit every requirement, these Storage Optimization come as both Manual operated and Mechanical assisted Mobile Shelving providing maximum Storage Capacity by Compact System. Super structure of our Mobile Compactor Storage System consists of knock down type panels and shelves made up of CRCA sheets. All the components like Shelves, front panels and central partitions will act as an integral member of the unit. Our Mobile Racking System not only provides more space but also Security. Each Mobile Compactor provided with an individual push button steering lock when fully Compacted the entire system can be locked into position with one locking operation. Safeguard Compactor Storage System can be made to order to suit your specific storage requirements. Shifting the position of aisle can be provided access to any number of Racks.

Safeguard Compactor Storage are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space acting as a Space saver. These rail mounted Mobile Compactor Storage Systems can be easily configured to suit any type of Storage Solutions. Special wheels and rail constructions increase the life spans of the Compactor and facilitate easy operation. Available to suit every requirement, these Storage Optimization come as both Manual operated and Mechanical assisted Mobile Shelving providing maximum Storage Capacity by Compact System. Super structure of our Mobile Compactor Storage System consists of knock down type panels and shelves made up of CRCA sheets. All the components like Shelves, front panels and central partitions will act as an integral member of the unit. Our Mobile Racking System not only provides more space but also Security. Each Mobile Compactor provided with an individual push button steering lock when fully Compacted the entire system can be locked into position with one locking operation. Safeguard Compactor Storage System can be made to order to suit your specific storage requirements. Shifting the position of aisle can be provided access to any number of Racks.

  • 2020-10-09T11:14:58

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