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  • 2020-10-12T12:03:06

Safeguard Compactor Shelving System is the most ideal & latest concept of Storage Solution. It provides means to efficient record storage & retrieval management. It is specially designed to modern age demands for High Density Storage within the limited space As the shelving moves along the rail tracks, the space for only one aisle is needed. When a document or a file is required an aisle for entry is created by moving the Mobile Shelving apart. Features: Compact system efficient in usage, Lesser floor area involved. The system has fully adjustable bolt less shelving & is most suitable for storage applications of Box Files & Flat Files, Directories & Books, Bulk Archives & Records, Stationery, Electronic parts and Light duty materials.

Safeguard Compactor Shelving System is the most ideal & latest concept of Storage Solution. It provides means to efficient record storage & retrieval management. It is specially designed to modern age demands for High Density Storage within the limited space As the shelving moves along the rail tracks, the space for only one aisle is needed. When a document or a file is required an aisle for entry is created by moving the Mobile Shelving apart. Features: Compact system efficient in usage, Lesser floor area involved. The system has fully adjustable bolt less shelving & is most suitable for storage applications of Box Files & Flat Files, Directories & Books, Bulk Archives & Records, Stationery, Electronic parts and Light duty materials.

  • 2020-10-12T12:03:06

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