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  • 2019-04-08T05:32:11

Our assortment of electronic / cash safes which is mainly operated with battery back - up as well as only battery operated Electronic Safes. The high security mechanical key override is developed with mortised door lock key which works as override. These electronic safes can be fitted to work with most of the existing locks with spring bolts and user friendly programming codes on site which allows multiple users up to 10 independent users.

Our assortment of electronic / cash safes which is mainly operated with battery back - up as well as only battery operated Electronic Safes. The high security mechanical key override is developed with mortised door lock key which works as override. These electronic safes can be fitted to work with most of the existing locks with spring bolts and user friendly programming codes on site which allows multiple users up to 10 independent users.

  • 2019-04-08T05:32:11

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