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  • 2019-07-30T04:34:12

Mobile Shelving & Storage Systems: Mobile Shelving is standard shelving mounted on a mobile base, creating excellent storage efficiency. These are mobile trolley (chassis) mounted shelving systems that moves on rails that provides maximum storage capacity. These systems have only one access corridor thereby increasing efficiency of the storage. Compactors are complete safe to use. The entire Compactor is clad with powder coated steel sheets. It is smooth, noiseless and easy to maintain. This system allows the user to open the mobile units to retrieve and file items. FEATURES : •Suitable low rise shelving. •A finger force by a person is sufficient to move the drive train. •A floor lock, secures the fixed and mobile block and prevents pilferage. •Accidental movement is prevented through an aisle lock. •Powder coated. APPLICATIONS : •Filing •Light weight multiple products storage •Storage of expensive items

Mobile Shelving & Storage Systems: Mobile Shelving is standard shelving mounted on a mobile base, creating excellent storage efficiency. These are mobile trolley (chassis) mounted shelving systems that moves on rails that provides maximum storage capacity. These systems have only one access corridor thereby increasing efficiency of the storage. Compactors are complete safe to use. The entire Compactor is clad with powder coated steel sheets. It is smooth, noiseless and easy to maintain. This system allows the user to open the mobile units to retrieve and file items. FEATURES : •Suitable low rise shelving. •A finger force by a person is sufficient to move the drive train. •A floor lock, secures the fixed and mobile block and prevents pilferage. •Accidental movement is prevented through an aisle lock. •Powder coated. APPLICATIONS : •Filing •Light weight multiple products storage •Storage of expensive items

  • 2019-07-30T04:34:12

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