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  • 2019-07-24T05:42:55

Mobile Shelving Compactor Mobile Compactors which are user-friendly and easy to install. Used to recover the lost floor space. These Mobile Compactors are cost effective and provided with a special wheel and rail constructions to ensure longer service life. Mobile compactors are tailor made and can be designed as per the area available so that optimum usage of the area can be done. The dimensions of these mobile compactors can be designed as per the item of storage be it files, cartons or some other materials. Mobile compactors can be useful for various sectors like Industries, banks, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Hotels etc. These mobile compactors are entirely powder coated.

Mobile Shelving Compactor Mobile Compactors which are user-friendly and easy to install. Used to recover the lost floor space. These Mobile Compactors are cost effective and provided with a special wheel and rail constructions to ensure longer service life. Mobile compactors are tailor made and can be designed as per the area available so that optimum usage of the area can be done. The dimensions of these mobile compactors can be designed as per the item of storage be it files, cartons or some other materials. Mobile compactors can be useful for various sectors like Industries, banks, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Hotels etc. These mobile compactors are entirely powder coated.

  • 2019-07-24T05:42:55

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