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  • 2019-07-22T06:43:13

Mobile Compactor Storage System Product Description With years of experience in this domain, we are offering an interesting assortment of Compactor Storage Systems. It saves huge amount of floor space as they have multiple racks that can be designed to meet client specifications. The storage bays can easily slide from one end to another to retrieve materials and files. The design, color, pattern, size & dimensions of Compactor Storage System can be customized depending on space availability & client requirements. Features: Superior finish Stylish and durable Rotating wheels for easy mobility

Mobile Compactor Storage System Product Description With years of experience in this domain, we are offering an interesting assortment of Compactor Storage Systems. It saves huge amount of floor space as they have multiple racks that can be designed to meet client specifications. The storage bays can easily slide from one end to another to retrieve materials and files. The design, color, pattern, size & dimensions of Compactor Storage System can be customized depending on space availability & client requirements. Features: Superior finish Stylish and durable Rotating wheels for easy mobility

  • 2019-07-22T06:43:13

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