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  • 2019-07-08T05:40:10

Metal Office Almirah solutions are offered in durable construction and finish and are extensively used in areas like offices, schools, hospital, and banks. Developed using quality steel plate finish, they assure reliable and lasting service performance. They are manufactured by our set of professionals having vast experience in this domain utilizing the best quality of raw material by the set norms. Customizations as per client’s specifications are available. Features : Highly Durable. Corrosion Resistance. Available at Competitive rates.

Metal Office Almirah solutions are offered in durable construction and finish and are extensively used in areas like offices, schools, hospital, and banks. Developed using quality steel plate finish, they assure reliable and lasting service performance. They are manufactured by our set of professionals having vast experience in this domain utilizing the best quality of raw material by the set norms. Customizations as per client’s specifications are available. Features : Highly Durable. Corrosion Resistance. Available at Competitive rates.

  • 2019-07-08T05:40:10

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