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  • 2019-12-30T04:26:21

Guardwel Safe with Safe Deposit Locker are manufactured as per IS 14512 : 1998 are renowned for their Fire & Burglar resistance feature. The Safe Deposit Lockers fitted inside these BIS certifies Safes are manufactured as per IS 550:2003. All the components of SDL are a 5 zone 8-stage special surface treatment process. Guardwel’s 8-lever dual control lock protects the Safe. For additional security Guardwel Safes are protected by automatic self-locking device, which get activated in events of explosion or attack. Wheel mechanical or electronic combination lock on main door can also be provided at an extra cost. Backed by rich industry experience and in-depth market domain, we are involved in providing wide range of Safe Deposit Lockers.Manufactured by our skilled professionals using standard quality raw materials and sophisticated techniques, offered lockers are made available in a gradation of specifications as per the diverse needs of the clients. Also, we provide these Safe Deposit Lockers at pocket friendly prices to the clients. Features: Light weight Withstand heavy load Impeccable finish Ruggedness

Guardwel Safe with Safe Deposit Locker are manufactured as per IS 14512 : 1998 are renowned for their Fire & Burglar resistance feature. The Safe Deposit Lockers fitted inside these BIS certifies Safes are manufactured as per IS 550:2003. All the components of SDL are a 5 zone 8-stage special surface treatment process. Guardwel’s 8-lever dual control lock protects the Safe. For additional security Guardwel Safes are protected by automatic self-locking device, which get activated in events of explosion or attack. Wheel mechanical or electronic combination lock on main door can also be provided at an extra cost. Backed by rich industry experience and in-depth market domain, we are involved in providing wide range of Safe Deposit Lockers.Manufactured by our skilled professionals using standard quality raw materials and sophisticated techniques, offered lockers are made available in a gradation of specifications as per the diverse needs of the clients. Also, we provide these Safe Deposit Lockers at pocket friendly prices to the clients. Features: Light weight Withstand heavy load Impeccable finish Ruggedness

  • 2019-12-30T04:26:21

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