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  • 2020-06-01T04:42:03

Guardwel Fire Resistant Filing Cabinets are specially designed to protect your valuable documents from fire. The entire filing cabinet has a double wall construction with a fire resisting compound in-between. The sheet metal thickness has been maintained to a minimum, to minimize the conduction of heat and has been substantially reinforced at vital places to withstand impact. Each drawer is housed in separate fire resisting compartments. The drawers roll out fully, freely and quietly. In an emergency a mere push will close an open drawer and secure it automatically. Features: High endurance, Accurate dimensions, Easy installations, Corrosion resistance.

Guardwel Fire Resistant Filing Cabinets are specially designed to protect your valuable documents from fire. The entire filing cabinet has a double wall construction with a fire resisting compound in-between. The sheet metal thickness has been maintained to a minimum, to minimize the conduction of heat and has been substantially reinforced at vital places to withstand impact. Each drawer is housed in separate fire resisting compartments. The drawers roll out fully, freely and quietly. In an emergency a mere push will close an open drawer and secure it automatically. Features: High endurance, Accurate dimensions, Easy installations, Corrosion resistance.

  • 2020-06-01T04:42:03

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