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  • 2020-09-12T05:01:21

Guardwel file Compactor Storage System is an innovative space saving storage system with storage units mounted on mobile trolleys, thereby eliminating un-productive aisles. It has a simple and elegant construction with minimal maintenance and no service costs. The main advantage of the system is that it saves and/or makes best use of the space as more storage units can be accommodated on the same floor area. Thus guardwel Compactor Storage System virtually doubles your storage capacity.

Guardwel file Compactor Storage System is an innovative space saving storage system with storage units mounted on mobile trolleys, thereby eliminating un-productive aisles. It has a simple and elegant construction with minimal maintenance and no service costs. The main advantage of the system is that it saves and/or makes best use of the space as more storage units can be accommodated on the same floor area. Thus guardwel Compactor Storage System virtually doubles your storage capacity.

  • 2020-09-12T05:01:21

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