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  • 2019-03-20T04:27:59

Guardwel, a trusted manufacturer of Quality Physical Security & Fire Resisting Products for the Banking & Financial Industry since 1986. ISO 9001 certified and CRISIL SME 1 rated organisation, manned by skilled engineers and a competent Quality Control department controls manufacture of hi-tech security products. Nationwide dealer network provides prompt sales & service that a customer needs in any part of the nation. Safes with Safe Deposit Lockers Offer the best option for security of renters valuables where a strong room is not feasible / uneconomical. Manufactured in compliance to IS 14512. Safe Deposit Lockers are BIS Licensed conform to IS 5244, and are fitted inside, either fire & burglar resistance Safes (FBR) or Torch and tool resistant (TRTL) safes, conforming to IS 550 and BIS Licensed. Ease of operation of a safe with the confidentiality and safety of a safe deposit locker in a strong room. Wide choice of locker sizes available. Safes are protected by high security Guardwel own make 8 levers Dual Control Lock and lockers with individual dual control locks, with total confidentiality of combinations. An automatic re-locking device gets activated if the main lock is dislodged by explosive or comes under attack by any other means. Guardwel offers survey and consultancy on selection and placement of Lockers Model Lockers Combinations External Dimensions Net Wt in NO. a SIZE H W D FBR 1550 / SDL-29 27 A + 2 D1 1550 785 720 1515 FBR 2045 / SDL-36 24A +8C+4F 2045 950 867 2435 FBR 2045 / SDL-46 40A+4C+2F 2045 950 867 2520 FBR 2045 / SDL-56 56A 2045 950 867 2620 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-51 46B+2E+2H+1H1 2150 1290 867 3395 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-75 66A+6C+3F 2150 1290 867 3445 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-90 90A 2150 1290 867 3495 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-36 24A +8C+4F 2045 950 867 2309 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-46 40A+4C+2F 2045 950 867 2394 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-56 56A 2045 950 867 2494

Guardwel, a trusted manufacturer of Quality Physical Security & Fire Resisting Products for the Banking & Financial Industry since 1986. ISO 9001 certified and CRISIL SME 1 rated organisation, manned by skilled engineers and a competent Quality Control department controls manufacture of hi-tech security products. Nationwide dealer network provides prompt sales & service that a customer needs in any part of the nation. Safes with Safe Deposit Lockers Offer the best option for security of renters valuables where a strong room is not feasible / uneconomical. Manufactured in compliance to IS 14512. Safe Deposit Lockers are BIS Licensed conform to IS 5244, and are fitted inside, either fire & burglar resistance Safes (FBR) or Torch and tool resistant (TRTL) safes, conforming to IS 550 and BIS Licensed. Ease of operation of a safe with the confidentiality and safety of a safe deposit locker in a strong room. Wide choice of locker sizes available. Safes are protected by high security Guardwel own make 8 levers Dual Control Lock and lockers with individual dual control locks, with total confidentiality of combinations. An automatic re-locking device gets activated if the main lock is dislodged by explosive or comes under attack by any other means. Guardwel offers survey and consultancy on selection and placement of Lockers Model Lockers Combinations External Dimensions Net Wt in NO. a SIZE H W D FBR 1550 / SDL-29 27 A + 2 D1 1550 785 720 1515 FBR 2045 / SDL-36 24A +8C+4F 2045 950 867 2435 FBR 2045 / SDL-46 40A+4C+2F 2045 950 867 2520 FBR 2045 / SDL-56 56A 2045 950 867 2620 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-51 46B+2E+2H+1H1 2150 1290 867 3395 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-75 66A+6C+3F 2150 1290 867 3445 FBR 2150/DD/SDL-90 90A 2150 1290 867 3495 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-36 24A +8C+4F 2045 950 867 2309 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-46 40A+4C+2F 2045 950 867 2394 TRTL FBR 2045 / SDL-56 56A 2045 950 867 2494

  • 2019-03-20T04:27:59

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