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  • 2020-01-20T05:14:24

Electronic Safe: Our enterprise has gained immense recognition in developing and supplying quality assured array of Electronic Safes. These safes are mainly used for keeping cash and jewelry in homes, hotels, department stores, etc. The offered safes are precisely manufactured with high care using the finest grade raw materials and highly progressive technology in line with predefined industry norms. These safes can be fitted into wardrobe/cupboard with user friendly programming codes. Furthermore, these Electronic Safes are immensely admired and demanded in the market for their anti-corrosive nature and compact design. Features: High Security Master Override key User Code from 4 – 16 digit Wrong Code Tamper indication Alarm Facility Key Pad lock facility With 2/3 shooting bolts Epoxy powder coated finish Rugged design High strength Precise dimensions Corrosion resistance 7 years Warranty

Electronic Safe: Our enterprise has gained immense recognition in developing and supplying quality assured array of Electronic Safes. These safes are mainly used for keeping cash and jewelry in homes, hotels, department stores, etc. The offered safes are precisely manufactured with high care using the finest grade raw materials and highly progressive technology in line with predefined industry norms. These safes can be fitted into wardrobe/cupboard with user friendly programming codes. Furthermore, these Electronic Safes are immensely admired and demanded in the market for their anti-corrosive nature and compact design. Features: High Security Master Override key User Code from 4 – 16 digit Wrong Code Tamper indication Alarm Facility Key Pad lock facility With 2/3 shooting bolts Epoxy powder coated finish Rugged design High strength Precise dimensions Corrosion resistance 7 years Warranty

  • 2020-01-20T05:14:24

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