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  • 2019-07-26T04:22:24

Compactor Mobile Shelving System: Mobile Shelving System. The offered mobile shelving system is commonly used for storing books, documents and records in libraries. Mobile Shelving System is designed to require less space and accommodate maximum storage items • Easy to move • Longer functional life • Hard wearing fabrication • Mobile Shelving System for Office Record. • • Mobile Shelving System for office records are uniquely designed and fabricated for the storage of official documents and records. Accurate dimensions • Optimally sized shelves • Durable construct

Compactor Mobile Shelving System: Mobile Shelving System. The offered mobile shelving system is commonly used for storing books, documents and records in libraries. Mobile Shelving System is designed to require less space and accommodate maximum storage items • Easy to move • Longer functional life • Hard wearing fabrication • Mobile Shelving System for Office Record. • • Mobile Shelving System for office records are uniquely designed and fabricated for the storage of official documents and records. Accurate dimensions • Optimally sized shelves • Durable construct

  • 2019-07-26T04:22:24

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