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  • 2019-09-09T04:22:15

Compactor for Record Keeping : Compactors are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space. These rails-mounted Optimizer Storage System can be easily configured to suit any type of storage. Special wheels and rail constructions increases the life spans of the Compactor and facilitate easy operation. Available to suit every requirement, these come as manually operated and mechanically assisted mobile providing maximum storage capacity by compaction.

Compactor for Record Keeping : Compactors are engineered to help you recover your lost floor space. These rails-mounted Optimizer Storage System can be easily configured to suit any type of storage. Special wheels and rail constructions increases the life spans of the Compactor and facilitate easy operation. Available to suit every requirement, these come as manually operated and mechanically assisted mobile providing maximum storage capacity by compaction.

  • 2019-09-09T04:22:15

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